Also available in Afrikaans: Oorwin Depressie

I would like to encourage you to purchase a copy of this book and share it with anyone you know who suffers from depression. Or, if you would like to understand how to help and even pray for someone who struggles with it, then this is a good book to give you that insight.


Reinette knew the deep, dark pit of depression and found healing. She shares with you treasures collected on her way to healing. This booklet is very well put together, with little gems that help those who are sufferers of depression to see the light.  It is also an excellent resource for those who are supporting family members or friends struggling with depression. In short, easy to read chapters, Reinette takes you through her journey of healing and explains the Symptoms, Causes, Coping Mechanisms and Struggles of Depression Sufferers.  The beauty of this book is that Reinette takes you to the crux of the truth behind depression and points you to the One Who knows and loves you most, the Healer of your soul. I would like to encourage you to purchase a copy of this book and share it with anyone you know who suffers from depression. Or, if you would like to understand how to help and even pray for someone who struggles with it. Reinette’s message is one HOPE for those who may feel there is no hope. Review by Julaine Marais If you would like a copy of this book, you can click on the links below for either an English or an Afrikaans copy of the book.